Ready to Rummage?

Most monthly events come round monthly! A stupid thing to say you might think but that regular march of time can be a reassuring regulator or a speeding tempo. I think consistency is important especially as an event organiser. The same holds true in the social media realm. Physical meet ups have been far more necessary with this digital dimension constantly vying for attention. Making those connected times relevant, meaningful and propinquitous.

Ironic that the word expressing the sentiment of physical presence and the context environment 'Propinquity' should be a word I learnt while exploring 3D virtual space 'Second Life'.

Propinquity is a special state.

Yes it's Rummage Lounge on Saturday 19th October, the third Saturday of the month.

Check out the Rummage Lounge web page. Sign up to bring a box or to make contact so we can welcome you to the Lounge.

You can even buy bits of rummage from the web page now. We'd much rather you come see us though.

The Evening Post interviewed me about Rummage Lounge recently… see picture tweeted at me below, I don't know how long before it makes its was on to the web site so I can read it! So if you have a copy please bring it down to Rummage Lounge this Saturday.

Link to article to follow. If you find it first do post it in the comments.