Celebrating Regeneration at ReFest13 at the Sandfield Site.

My Cellar54 cohort Mr Phil Campbell is a champion of all things eco applying his love of digital tech to solve the problems facing us in the wasteland of off-line humanity! He is the start-up brain behind PiStreet a social engagement platform designed for independent retailers to bring their digital social footprint side by side with thier passion for their business. This is then shared across HD monitors controlled by an interconnected network of Raspberry Pi computers Developed using crowd funding platform KickStarter phase one is being rolled out across Nottingham.

In the Spring Phil attended a Digital High Street conference heightening his interest in the actions that can change the High Street for independent retailers who are watching the demises of the present model of commerce engagement within town and city centres across the UK.

Regeneration seems to be the new buzz word of change and there is a project in progress aiming to change Lenton with a core regeneration build with a community wide outreach As part of the 2 day unconference (a no frills, bells or whistles conference style event) Phil was asked to speak as part of the Disruptive Digital Urbanism session. The session was billed as "The 'Smart City' is the latest conference, book and consultancy selling nomme du jour. However, outside of proposals for a tech hub in every city and for apps and data that enable local authorities to reduce their headcount, it can be argued that the smart city agenda has only skirted the possibilities to support regeneration. So how can it support local regeneration?"

Here are the 5 session speakers from the Disruptive Digital Urbanism session.
Include here also is the keynote guest Bill Grimsey providing context to his High Street Review, The Grimsey Review and The Incredible Movement (TIM) in York's Imelda Havers.

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