From Your Heart - One last time #WFYH13

Well 2 actually…

It is rare that something is genuinely free with no strings attached. Writer and Podcaster Eileen Parr asks only for your interest to part with your email in exchange for free access to her Writing From Your Heart online gathering series. Listening to the live guest interviews and on-demand access for 72hr Eileen gives this freely. Packaging the entire series for download provides the revenue stream which is accompanied by numerous resources and offers contributed by the extraordinary guest speakers Eileen interviews.

I have been working with Eileen to develop her audio gatherings, web presence and audience engagement. We have been on quite a journey. She took her first steps in making her own media, discovering her own digital voice when she came on my "…in conversation" web series 18 month ago. Since then she has created a mini series for inclusion in her monthly newsletter, taken the lead on 2 previous Writing From Your Heart online gatherings and regularly interviews those who inspire her to share the podcasts with her audience through a subscribed newsletter and on her website.

November’s WFYH13, Eileen ran the event in June and the November previous making this gathering number three. We are entering the final week. There are 9 gatherings with 2 remaining for broardcast at the time of this blog post.

Nov 20th and Nov 21st

So… Just 2 sessions remaining. The 7 previous sessions have certainly covered some ground. Its all been about finding your authentic voice. Its taken a deep look at a the internal dialogue we have with inner spirituality and listen to our heart's guidance as well as those mentoring around us.

This evening at 7pm GMT is Katie Rose discussing with Eileen How to use song in your writing. The importance of mantra in sustaining your spiritual life. Practical ways of strengthening your voice.

Katie is a singer, musician, sound therapist and vocal coach committed to using song and sound as a medium of personal social and ecological transformation.

She creates music which interweaves original material with song, chant and mantra from global tradition. She has released three albums and composed pieces for projects including Writing From Your Heart Gathering

Sign up at
I'll post this evening link on G+ on Twitter and in the Facebook page in case you miss the send out for tonights listening link.

Tomorrow Eileen talks to Nick Williams her 9th and final guest in this Writing From Your Heart series about Thriving As A Heart Centred Entrepreneur

Nick wants to share with listeners:

How to create a clear authentic message.
How to thrive as an inspired entrepreneur.

Nick Williams has spent the last 20 years serving as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, thought-leader and spiritual adviser to leaders in business, the media, entertainment, the law, and in the fields of personal and spiritual growth, academia, leadership, retails and healthcare.

So this going to be the most interesting of all for business people. So sign up and listen in.

I'll post tomorrows link too in case you miss the send out for the listening link. If you listen via a link please sign up after so Eileen can send you the sign up gifts and keep in touch with you.