MakeUseOf… The Things That I Find
Published by Caron Lyon,

All the free PDF guides you will ever need - The PDF Blog
First posted on the Social Media Womble Posterous Blog
August 8 2011
Brilliant opening post to illustrate what you will find here in the future. (Brilliant not that 'I' am but in the suitability of the content to my intentions for starting the Social Media Womble blog) The Womble in me needed a place to stockpile the awesome stuff I find. I hope you find them useful. I hope you discover something new. I want a place to review the apps I test, use and love.

I've followed makeuseof for a while. (the site in this post) I have their app on my phone. I have shared PDFs from their library too. This post came to me not from makeuseof but in a newsletter from NitroPDF who provide a free PDF maker service which I use. A combo of usefulness. The post talks about Nitro PDF and MakeUseOf recent colaboration to raise funds for the victims of the disasters that hit Japan. Read the origional post for more information.
So this is two services working side by side. I hope you start to get an idea what this blog is all about. Apps working in harmonious cross functionality will feature too as well as examples of good clever use of technology. And being a blog of course you can subscribe to be notified when a new post is published.
NitroPDF blog except...
Here’s a quick pointer to a rich trove of PDF guides covering all sorts of subjects related to contemporary technology, free for everyone to enjoy. is a community of like-minded geeks — of the cool breed — who dedicate their time to scouring the net and building an archive of links to useful sites, free software, music, movies, productivity tools, geeky fun, and lots more.
Best of all, the crew at MakeUseOf publish some beautifully written user guides to stuff that most people must do their own research to learn. There is definitely something for everyone in their archive of PDF guides; PC security, photography, blogging, Facebook, gaming, music, Linux, Windows, Mac, and the list goes on and on. via