Open Link Nottingham - September 6th
Published by Caron Lyon,

Last night I met up with Creative Quarter's Kathy McArdle to talk about events, CQ community development and PCM audience engagement.
Much of my work at the moment is about engaging arts and culture professionals with one another. Especially with AudiencesEurope they are audience development specialist who are being reached out to from a common core from the lead project partners then selves audience specialists to encourage the sharing of best practice, participate in peer discussions at all levels.
My conversation with Kathy last night was about this knowledge sharing and best practice exchange which I feel is lacking in Nottingham. Shrouded in ego and hoisted up the flag pole of pseudo celebrity.
OpenLink is a reaction to this wasteland. OpenLink LaceMarket is based in The LaceHouse on Broadway down the High Pavement end of Stoney Street.
There will be 4 OpenLink's in the remaining end of 2013. Always on the First Friday coming up next week is the recap and welcome back. During the summer and in the months prior, the CQ upped its game with Kathy visiting as many interested parties as her little CQ legs could take her. Her smile polished and her satchel 'scotched'! (She has done lots of leg work mainly fuelled by fizzy water actually) the CQ message is being preached.
Open Link is for the confused and the converted the pagans and the preachers. Come join the social sharing. This Friday September 6th at The LaceHouse graciously hosted by the venue proprietor Sach Njran who gives us a nice drinks discount. A great venue at the heart of Nottingham's Lace Market.
Our mini schedule
4.00 - G+ Hangout opens
4.30 - OpenLink LaceMarket doors open
- 10 min update from Kathy McArdle - Creative Quarter
- 10 min insight from CQ Loan fund administrator - Victoria Copestake
- 10 min from Cheryl Gill – speaking about Projector, Broadway’s business support programme for creatives
6.30 - Goodbye to G+ and OpenLink closes.
Its not a networking opportunity its about being part of a network. Kathy's mini talk will be asking us to consider active and passive participation and how you get he most out of being both.
Remaining 2013 OpenLink dates.