OpenLink - once more with feeling - with Sneinton Market

The Rummage Lounge is a child of OpenLink. The 2nd Rummage Lounge is on Saturday and I've spent this month looking about my house for 'stuff' to include in my rummage case.

For those not in the know OpenLink is off-line social networking. Status updates are exchanged in real time, face to face with a pint or evening tipple of choice. It takes place on the first Friday of each month. It began in February this year in response to the uncertainty that surrounded the City Deal and Creative Quarter announcements. This is a meet up about transparency and 'open links' rather than encouraging closed loops.

Its also about working as a community to support each others social business endeavours. Like-minded is an important part of being involved in LaceMarket OpenLink. The Rummage Lounge came about through a conversation about independent creatives having a tight time at the moment financially (well more exactly me!) and I was thinking of doing a car boot sale. Phil who I work closely with has bits of kit he no longer uses, have served their purpose or have been upgraded leaving a heap of saleable 'stuff' too and I mentioned this to Wendy Honeyman-Smith, a current management partner at Sneinton Market.

We reminisced about the joy of rummaging through boxes at fate and fares. My memories however are not so pleasurable when it comes to car boot sales. The grabbing and dusty desolation of previous experiences does lead me to steer clear of spending my free time in this arena. A social catch up with the essence of childhood bring and buy sales is what my nostalgic sentiment favoured. Those of us who lived through those Blue Peter years where I held these at the end of my driveway or in the family garage did evoke pleasant memories. Wendy agreed.

"Come and have a stall at Sneinton Market" said Wendy. Hmmm how to get 'stuff' to market?

Phil and I travel to gigs with our kit in Explorer Cases. Perfect transport and ideal for keeping 'stuff' manageable. So the idea to allow flight hand luggage sized cases so others taking part could come join us was decided upon.

We have a concept… lets do it, is the OpenLink way!