PCM travels

One thing I haven't talked about is how much I enjoy traveling as part of my work. I don't like being a transient tourist I want to make that clear. I like the experience of meet the people I am traveling to engage with. My work with Audiences Europe takes me to european countries and cities I have never been to before. Belgium, Norway and Northern Ireland have been the destination Audiences Europe has taken to me in the last 18 month.

Denmark's Copenhagen was my destination in June.
Uh oh, it looks like your embed code is broken.
I have recently been watching the CNN International news channel. It's perspective on World events has been part of my continuing personal development. My family are multi generational English. My mother and mother-in-law have been researching the families genealogy for years and both families can be traced back to the same area of Southern England, Lewis on the South Coast. Coincidentally our families have a common ancestor only four or five generations back. It's quite common I'm told but it still "weirds me out".

My family holidays were predominantly to Cornwall and Wales with memorable exception to Jersey and the south of France.

One of the curiosities about traveling to Europe is being able to look back on the UK and talk to people about their perceptions of the UK. I also use a service called AirBNB to find accommodation which is flats and appartments placed on the service by other members. This way I also 'live' in a neighbourhood for a short time. Hotels have their benefits but I'd prefer a little soul to a height in luxury any day. The financial saving is significant too.

The current project funded by the Grundtvig Life Long Learning Programme is focusing on 'non participants' in the arts, culture, heritage and tourism sectors. Although I work in this sector as an audience member I am having to question my own participation and this reflection is providing insight to the projects intention. Its an interesting position to be in.

Today on CNN I watched this report which looks at two climate projects in Copenhagen, an environmental skate park and a green roofing project. I'd like to see reports about UK based projects with a sense of the future. We don't look to Europe enough.

I enjoyed my time walking around Copenhagen even if it was between venues and to and from my appartment.