Recycle & Reuse - Shoutout to 2011
Published by Caron Lyon,

Where were you in 2011, 2005, 1994, 1983, 1977, 1966, 1955 or 1949?
If you were born in these years the diary from your year of birth lines up with 2022. Did you know you could dust it off, Recycle & Reuse - old diaries and calendars?
Have you ever found an old unused calendar, mournfully flicked it through its pages while contemplating the waste, contemplating its usefulness as a notebook?
Ask instead, when can I reuse this calendar?
In 2022, you can re-use calendars from these years:
2011, 2005, 1994, 1983, 1977, 1966, 1955, 1949, 1938, and 1927.
Yep there is website that answers that question!
What do you mean I can re-use calendars? This one ended December 31, 2015. As it turns out, the annual calendar cycle is pretty predictable and the days of the week repeat every few years. This means that all of the days of the week match up, including possible leap days. Many if not most holidays will match up, too
I have, and will dig though other boxes.
1999 I cam use in 2027
2004 I can use in 2032
2014 I can use in 2025
Certain events like daylight saving changeover and lunar events may not match the current year.
Your 2022 calendar is reusable in:
2033, 2039, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, and 2118.
To reflect on my life in this this 50th year since my birth I’LL be looking to find photos from 2011, 2005, 1994, 1983, 1977.
Now there’s a self imposed challenge.
What’s this space. #WCIRTC2022 coz I love a random obscure yet deliciously trackable hashtag!
I wonder what the world will look like in 2033?