We must not forget to reflect
Published by Caron Lyon,
At PCM we have a very simple project cycle
Plan - Prepare - Deliver - Reflect - Report
While I was considering the breakdown of my work processes several years ago it was the identification of the Reflect element that struck me as never before and how the digital world with it's fast pace leaves little room for reflection. Depending on your role in a project the reflection period will take different forms. It's an opportunity to tidy up loose ends, send thank you letters, return resources, collate media, edit or write content and for social media managers this period of time is the best time to engage the audience. During an event the attending audience are there for them selves to experience and to participate. Providing a hashtag for those inveterate tweeters in essential and engagement using this channel is essential too for 'on the ground' activity but the 7 days following even 14 days is the sweet times when participants post their blogs, post media and will be looking to engage via social networks with those they met. Assisting these connections is as important as the event itself.
It was after the first MediaCampNottingham while contemplating the blog post and media posts that the importance of this point in the project became clear to me. We are on the the next thing so quick and the social media juggernaut moves on relentlessly we forget to reflect. The onset of 'event fatigue' can be crippling but the enjoyment of a well planned and successfully delivered event or project should be savoured. This is why its important to set your own pace and project framework to regulate and maintain a personal momentum.
There is rarely just one project on the PCM books and identifying at what stage each project is passing through using this simple tool I value to keep me on track and focusing on the specifics of each client.

I'm currently working with Audiences Europe on their Open All Areas project which is running over 18 months. Each event and opportunity within the project has its progress defined and tracked using the simple PCM project cycle. Each element should have a solid legacy in the form of a report including blog posts, document reports, associated resources and a collection of media. This depth of legacy is important as a record to be included in the overall project archive.
My job is not to provide a blow by blow account of schedules and speakers but to listen, report and document results and achievement in order to share the legacy for audience engagement professionals to learn from Europe wide. Audiences Europe endeavours to collect these stories and projects from organisations and the partner organisations taking part in the funded project running at the time.
I'm current completing the report phase for Audiences Europe's Intercultural Study Visit to Copenhagen from June. Our Spanish partner Maria Ribas from the CCCB - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona wrote a post on their website. Its a perfect example of the media I hunt down and include in the legacy archive. The content I captured during my time with them is being archived to Soundcloud and on appropriate media platforms. Not all of the sessions are suited to audio as the visual slides provided essential reference to the audio. The links and slides will be collected and edited, further follow up with the speakers will be arranged to provide the fullest coverage of the case studies shared with the study visit participants. Contextual photos taken by the PCM team were posted to Flickr. All this media will be aggregated on a legacy page built on the Audiences Europe brochure portal website. All this reflection will contribute to the final report of this phase and the entire project for the funders.
More on Audiences Europe soon.
Do you have simple framework structures you can share?