What the Social Media Womble's Sunday looks like.
Published by Caron Lyon,
My day of rest, Sunday. A transition or unfulfilled wishful thinking, it's the day I like to pause occasionally and reset. Returning to neutral, where is that? I'm attempting to establish a more solid blogging practice during August.

Restocking the creative cupboards.
All artist makers have to restock their materials, so do creatives have to restock their creativity? To restock I consume and participate, research and engage These are my materials. The purpose of the conversation resulting through what ever medium be it digital, event driven, campaign focused or audience building. Where dialog and participation is returned that is what I "work" on helping provide tools and strategy to realise the project.
Without artists and creatives being paid, to consume, participate, research and engage it leads to limited dialog. The dialogue might be a purchase, it might be to initiate action, be proactive, make a change, develop an idea, build an audience. All those artists and practitioners, including social media practitioners (I'm one of those people) need to read, passionately consume, intelligently practice and successfully engage at a local level.
Sunday 4th August 2013
Today I've been reading app delivered news, views and a deeper understanding of how the modern world works. It's not about technology but how adapting to use the best tools possible available today. It's the Internet. The discovery of the "Internet of Things" concept and more recently "Archeology of the Future" is out there to be read.
I started today's reading opening to browse the BBC news app. I look at news, world news, UK news, Science, Technology, may be a region, then on to the Arts & Entertainment, additional featured articles. This glimpse leads me further in to stories. Work related streams use tighter defined topic based news about what is going on in my industry I use Zite, FlipBoard and keyword searched columns currently running in Hootesuite. My activity shapes the content I receive.
Social Media Womble's Digital Tool Kit
Articles I find and read, then want to save or share get distributed to apps I have in my digital tool kit. I might put the link in to an app called Pocket, sharing on Facebook or Twitter, send to email, many of the apps in my toolkit have a private email address I use this particularly with Evernote it is my working progress scrapbook and notebook combined. Now with Postashio a blogging platform that uses Evernote as its CSM (affiliated to Evernote if not their's) it's my everlasting note pad. That can't be sustainable! I have a data limit and it is work in progress so will continue to grow but I also review paper based notes. Recalling with paper based notes long ago ideas or joyously ticking stuff off if the ideas reach fruition on my digital notebook. But now I never have to start a new primary notebook and put away the old one. My notes are much more stable and focused. A Livesribe pen provides a digital copy and interactive archive assisting my note taking and recall which as a dyslexic I always struggled with.
There are many more apps but signing in to the proprietary app Zite or FlipBoard with the distribution and engagement channels sharing and knowledge building go hand in hand.

I Tweeted a few of today's finds adding small comments to qualify the article's tweet.
This is one "QR Code Scanning Continues To Increase" from 2D Code I decided I wanted to write about. QR codes have been on my radar since I discovered a QR code reader on my Nokia N95. Used right they are brilliant for proving richer content or encouraging further engagement. But they aren't going to go away. Nice stat ridded article. I'll continue reading, its a world with great horizons.
QR Code Scanning Continues To Increase
ScanLife’s latest trend report shows that they processed over 21 million QR Code and UPC mobile barcodes in Q2 2013. The report shows that users are scanning over three times per month on average (+22% from Q2 2012) with men accounting for 64% of the scans and women 36% of the scans. Operating system breakdown shows that 60% of scans came from the Android OS compared to 37% on Apple iOS devices. Top choice of content is videos, app downloads and product information.
Shared from Zite.